Smile (SEO)

20 Things I Smiled About This WeekΒ 

Even though this may seem simple, when I was going through my hardest times, I always found it helpful to make list of positive things in my life. It”s always important to realize the blessings in your life. If you focus on what is good rather than what is bad then in turn you’ll find yourself happier, more optimistic, and ultimately more successful. My list this week:

1. I woke up this morning

2. I live in a free country

3. God has blessed me with an amazing life

4. I have an incredible support system

5. My friends are very consistent and helpful in my life

6. I live in the great state of Florida with amazing weather

7. I have unlimited access to books and knowledge

8. I can listen to my favorite music whenever I’m down

9. God’s love for me is eternal

10. I’m in great health

11. I have opportunities to volunteer and help others

12. I can make others smile/laugh

13. I have unlimited access to lake Alice to chill by and relax

14. Snacks

15. My niece and nephew who are always so happy to see me

16. Great jokes

17. The amazing outdoors

18. My record-player

19. A bed to sleep in

20. I attend the greatest university in the country!!!

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You should try this to every week or so and see how your life changes!

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